INCISIVE project

Data Sharing Portal
This Summary is provided for convenience purposes only. Please read and review the full General ToU, Data User Terms and/or Data Sharing Agreement before sharing the Data or using the Platform.
  1. The INCISIVE repository (which is available on the INCISIVE Platform) is currently populated with Data (including medical images and clinical metadata) shared by a number of beneficiaries of the INCISIVE Project (INCISIVE Data Providers). The repository may be enriched by Data shared by additional Data Providers further to the conditions stated below and in the applicable Data Sharing Agreement.
  2. The INCISIVE Platform permits the Data Users to use the shared Data for conducting training of AI, including Federated Learning, for the purpose of AI research. Currently, the INCISIVE Data Users are INCISIVE beneficiaries which perform AI research according to the INCISIVE DoA.
  3. In time, INCISIVE repository will become open to cooperation with external Data Users. If necessary, Terms of use of the Data and terms of Data Sharing Agreement may be updated before the Data is shared with such external Data Users. Before we do this, we will inform the Data Providers of the updated terms and obtain their consent for further sharing.
  4. Only de-identified Data that is compatible with INCISIVE goals and format can be submitted for sharing on the Platform. The Data Provider has to ensure this Data is provided in a structured and usable format and in accordance with guidelines INCISIVE may issue from time to time. To share Data on the Platform, the Data Provider needs to conclude a Data Sharing Agreement with us and select where the Data will be hosted (Federated Node or Central Node)
  5. Data shared by the Data Providers must be de-identified by the respective Data Provider and should be kept separate from the original medical records. Data Provider is responsible for making a back-up copy of the Data which they share in the Federated Node or Central Node.
  6. In the course of the AI training no download or export of this Data outside the Platform will be permitted. If Data Provider agrees, the Data that they share may need to be visible to the Data Users admitted to the Platform. All relevant transactions regarding the Data will be tracked via blockchain and other tracking mechanisms. Data User should acknowledge the source of Data in their publications.
  7. Once shared, Data on the Platform will be accessible to all Data Users approved on the Platform. If the Data Provider does not agree with such access rights or other conditions provided by the Data Sharing Agreement, they may indicate this during the application process. In such a case, the Data may be listed in the Platform webpage as available based on different conditions.
  8. INCISIVE Project is a research and innovation action and its final results will be prototypes and not fully deployable technologies. The content or outcomes generated by the project (including predictions of the AI Models available on the Platform) cannot be used to make diagnostic or therapeutic decisions or construed as medical or other professional advice.
  9. To the extent permitted by law, the INCISIVE Beneficiaries will not be liable for any damage, direct or indirect that the user may suffer in relation to their use of the Platform, Data or any of the tools, unless the damage has been caused intentionally or by serious error. INCISIVE Beneficiaries will make all reasonable efforts to maintain continuity of the Platform infrastructure and will provide, on a best effort basis, warning of changes or discontinuities. However, as some Data may be stored in Federated Nodes, availability of this data if shared by external Data Providers is beyond the responsibility of INCISIVE.
  10. INCISIVE Beneficiaries have a right to refuse any Data offered by an external Data Provider and/or – in specific circumstances specified in the Data Sharing Agreement – to discontinue with immediate effect the linking of Federated Node or storage of Data in the Central Node.
  11. INCISIVE Beneficiaries provide tools supporting data preparation and quality checking, however, they do not determine, nor have knowledge or control on, the quality of Data provided by the external Data Providers. They take no responsibility and assume no liability towards Data Users for any Data or other materials posted, stored, or uploaded by such Data Provider to the Central Node or shared via the Federated Node.
  12. INCISIVE may publish the title and a short summary of successful Data user stories and publications on the INCISIVE Platform of INCISIVE website.
  13. INCISIVE Project reserves the right to update the General ToU and Data User Terms; therefore, any User should consult them regularly. INCISIVE acknowledges the launch of EUCAIM Project EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) funded as a flagship project by the Digital Europe Programme. Among other objectives, EUCAIM aims at enabling the interoperability at technical and semantic level between several existing data infrastructures, including the AI4HI repositories. As such, it is expected to make a major contribution to the European Health Data Space (EHDS) as indicated in the EC’s press release1 on the launch of the EHDS. Given that EUCAIM can significantly help in the sustainability of the INCISIVE data repository, INCISIVE aims at facilitating the sharing of its Data through the EUCAIM pan-European digital federated infrastructure of FAIR pan-cancer images. It also aims at facilitating technical interoperability of the INCISIVE data repository with other cancer imaging repositories, such as the AI4HI repositories. The proposed legal terms already anticipate such cooperation.
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